This is the best app to see LND V6 questions. All questions are added in this version. The questions are added against English, Urdu and Math. We have also added syllabus of LND. It gives you complete detail on all SLOs of MEA Questions.
English SLOs include following:
English Comprehension
English LND Identify objects
English LND Identify correct spelling.
Use of has/have, his/her, I/We/You and is/am/are also cover in this version.
For Urdu
Tafheem, Wahad jama, muzakar moans, khali jga ets are added.
For Math
We have added Fractions, identify time, word problem, addition, subtraction with and without borrow, multiplication and division are all added.
This app is complete guide for teachers to see LND Version 6 questions.